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What is a Reproductive Endocrinologist?

A reproductive endocrinologist (RE) is a type of obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) who specializes in diagnosing and treating endocrine disorders that affect reproduction. REs are also known as fertility doctors. 

REs are the only medical doctors who specialize in helping people become and stay pregnant. They diagnose causes of infertility, such as:

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • An ovulation

  • Male factor infertility 

REs may also suggest assisted reproductive techniques (ART), such as IVF. 

REs undergo a three-year intensive training program, called a fellowship, to understand the complexities of the human female reproductive system.

Types of Reproductive Endocrinologists

While all Reproductive Endocrinologists (REs) tackle the complexities of infertility, their expertise can be further specialized to cater to specific needs. Let's explore the different types of REs and how they can guide you on your unique fertility journey:

1. Fertility Specialists:

  • These are the all-rounders, equipped to handle all aspects of in...