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Dentist, Dental Surgeon, Endodontist, Conservative Dentist
A conservative dentist is a dentist who focuses on preserving the structure of teeth. Conservative dentistry is a branch of dentistry that involves operative dentistry and endodontics. It includes various types of restorations for individual teeth.
Conservative dentistry involves treating carious, malformed, or fractured teeth, as well as discolored or aesthetic correction. It also involves minimizing discomfort and preserving the maximum amount of healthy dental tissue.
Conservative approaches can also help patients achieve aesthetically pleasing smiles that suit their facial structures. For example, microabrasion is a conservative treatment that minimally removes enamel to create a space for dental bonding and filling materials.
Conservative dentistry includes:
Treatment of carious, malformed, or fractured teeth
Discolored or aesthetic correction
Regular checkups of the condition of the mouth and teeth
Instruction on proper oral hygiene
Hygienization procedures
Conservative dentistry is also known as restorative dentistry or operative dentistry.
Top Conservative Dentist in karimnagar